What Is Stephen Ministry?
Our congregation offers Stephen Ministry to provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to people who are going through a difficult time.
Interested in Becoming A Stephen Minister?
Through this ministry, God will bring forth new life and renewed faith in both your care receiver and in you as a Stephen Minister. Fifty hours of training will equip you, so you can show God's mercy, care, and compassion to another who is hurting. Is God calling you to serve in this way?
What do Stephen Ministers do?
They help to meet the needs of individuals faced with a crisis or dealing with difficulties such as:
Loss of a loved one
Divorce or separation
Loneliness or discouragement
Being a caretaker of ill or disabled persons
Chronic illness
Unemployment or a job crisis
Terminal illness
Spiritual crisis
Adjusting to family changes
Hospitalization and recovery
And many more life changes
To see videos and get more information, click here to go to stephenministries.org
To learn more about Stephen Ministry at Westminster Presbytrian Church, or how you can receive care for yourself or a friend contact:
Nancy Ritter, Referrals Coordinator (503) 363-8486
Pastor Kelly Wadsworth, Senior Pastor, Church Office 503-364-3327