Returning to Church
Masks Are Back Indefinitely
Due to the surge in Covid cases, Oregon has reinstated its mask mandate. To be in compliance, Westminster is now asking everyone to wear a mask inside our building, and also at our outdoor worship services. As always, we will remain responsive to changes in policies, and will keep our congregation updated.
Blessings to you all, and stay safe.
Westminster Is Open for In-Person Services
(Updated: 7/1/2021)
The re-opening task force realizes that the guidelines suggested below will not be adequate for all individuals; some people may feel safer worshiping from home until a later time. We will continue offering YouTube services for all who prefer that option. For the rest of the congregation, we are assuming they are willing to take the risk of being together and as adults who have been dealing with this pandemic for over a year are able to make decisions in their and their family’s best interest. The plan (broken down in categories) is as follows:
THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE: As we continue the process of reopening, this plan will be continually adjusted. Thank you for your adaptability and patience.
SERVICE TIMES: WPC will be offering two services each Sunday—a traditional service at 9:00 and a Contemporary Service at 10:30. Seating will be available for 60 participants in the sanctuary at each service.
MAKING A RESERVATION FOR ATTENDING A SERVICE: Reservations are no longer required to attend Sunday services.
ENTERING THE BUILDING FOR SERVICES: To preclude the desire to socialize, people will be asked to arrive no more than 15 minutes before worship. Anyone who is not feeling well is asked not to attend an in-person service. Everyone attending an indoor service must wear a mask in the Sanctuary. Everyone must observe social distancing coming into and in the church itself. Inside the church will not be a place to socialize.
GREETERS: A “greeter” will open the automatic door (the one closest to the sanctuary) for attendees, and offer a mask if they do not have one. Everyone will be asked to sign in for contact tracing purposes. A second “greeter” will provide hand sanitizer for all who come in the door and will direct participants to the sanctuary.
ENTERING THE SANCTUARY: You may sit where you like in the sanctuary, and we leave it to each individual to decide who you consider to be in your safe “bubble” for seating purposes.
BULLETINS: At this time bulletins will not be provided. Attendees may want to bring a bulletin they printed at home or view it on their cell phone.
OFFERING: There will be a time in the service for the offering; however, we will not be passing offering plates. A box is provided at the entrance to the sanctuary for people to leave their offerings either before or after the service.
PEW RACKS: The racks on the backs of the chairs have been removed, consequently no hymnals, registration materials, prayer request cards, offering envelopes or brochures will be available.
MUSIC: The Chancel Choir, Bell Choir, Worship Team, and other special music will prerecord their music at this time. Congregational singing is allowed. Jeffrey will continue to sing at the Traditional Service, but he will be masked. Jeffrey’s singing the hymns will benefit those in the sanctuary as well as those at home.
CHILDREN: Sunday school is on hiatus for the summer. Children of all ages are welcome to attend in-person worship services with their grown-ups. We provide disposable worship bags with activities for pre-K through 5th grade. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide nursery care at this time. Please watch for updates or contact with any questions or concerns.
LEAVING THE SERVICE: When the service is over, participants are asked leave the building and greet Pastor Kelly outside.
COFFEE HOUR: We're happy to say Coffee Hour has returned! It is held on on the Boulder Hall patio, weather permitting.
RESTROOMS: The restrooms across from the coat racks will be open. Spray disinfectant and disinfectant wipes will be available for use by anyone who may feel vulnerable.
SOCIALIZING: We ask attendees socialize outside, rather than in the sanctuary or in the church. Our goal is to keep everyone safe.